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Gita began with the creation

Unlike most people, I strongly believe that Gita not only belongedto the earlier aeon which is mentioned as Dwaparayuga in the epics ….but also existed right from the time of creation. The Supreme lord himself made it crystal clear that it was taught by him to the ‘Sun’ first.

Sri Bhagavanuvacha ..

Imam vivaswateyogamproktavanahamavyayam I VivaswanManaveprahaManurikshvakavebravit II
(chap 4- verse 1)

This is the basis of my concept titled “PRATYAKSHA GITA” the reason being “ the Sun shines every day ever since he was endowed with the power of diffusing light capable of illuminating and enlivening the world.

Evamparamparapraptamimam Rajarshayoviduh I Sakalenehamahatayogonashtahparamtapa II
(chap 4 – verse 2)

The royal sages inherited the divine knowledge one by one. But as is the case of usage of any valuable thing, practice of Gita also slowly faded out due to passage of innumerable years.. O Parantapa (Arjuna).

Saevayammayatejyayogahproktahpuratanah I Bhaktosi me sakhachetirahasyamhyetaduttamamII
(chap 4 – verse 3).

This Supreme Secret which is the pristine yoga is revealed to you because you are my devotee and friend too. (chap 4 – verse 3).

Bhagavadgita or shortly Gita is a book of Life standards or moral values set by none other than God to enable a peaceful and ideal life of humankind. Gita is a book of all time.

Gita which was taught to Arjuna by the Blessed lord (ShriBhagvan) in a warlike situation that arose in the former’s mind overpowered by misplaced attachment at a right hour.

Gita was an extensive teaching by Bhagavan in over 700 verses to remove his friend, and disciple Arjuna’s wrongly placed attachment. Actually, the Supreme Lord wanted to provide him with the needed dutifulness along with detachment to make him overcome Arjuna’s emotional outburst. As a result, ‘NashtomohahSmritirlabdhva’ (Disappearance of delusion and dawn of self-realization) state comes to Arjuna who turns ambidexterous hero as before from the abivalent state of zero.

Role of Gita behind independence …..

Mahatma Gandhi who drew inspiration from the Song Celestial (Divine song) written by Edwin Arnold, a British sonnet writer. This happened when Gandhi was in London for higher studies to become a barrister.

There the law students were regularly reciting the ‘Song Celestial (the sonnet of Gita)’ and Gandhiji also accompanied them. This is a clear proof that foreigners were interested in Gita.

After facing many a bitter incident in his life, Gandhi stopped advocacy and chose to lead a saintly life. During the British rule, the Indians were treated as slaves. The injustice faced by his countrymen prompted him to dedicate his life to unshackle India from the British who came to our country under the pretext of trade and encroached our motherland.

At this juncture,Gandhiji not only studied Gita but lived Gita. He picked up the two rare gems “truth and non violence” from Gita andsuccessfully implemented them in the freedom struggle. The non cooperation movement (Asahayogandolan) and protest by expressing truthful anger (Satyagraha), all these, for a just causeand in a non violent manner.

Gandhi Hridgita

Bharata desa dasya srinkhalacchedanaaya Srimadbhagavadgitaantargata vishaya pariseelanam, acharanamcha pradhana sadhanam bhavati iti Sri Mahatma Gandhi mahodayasya aasayah yatha….

This is the introduction to a handbook written by me with the title ‘Gandhi Hridgita’ which contained Sthitapragnayoga verses (57 to 72 of Sankhya yoga, the second chapter of Gita). The first three verses (Arjuna uvacha: Sthitaprajnasya kaa bhasha.. vrajeta kim; Prajahati yatha kaamaan …sthitaprajnastadocchyate; Duhkhe shvanudvigna manah …sthitadhirmunirucchyate numbering 54, 55 and 56 were edited by Bapuji.

Thus he shortlisted 16 verses only.

Gandhiji proved the power of Gita in the freedom struggle in a non violent manner and brought independence to our country. The power of non violence displayed by Gandhi stunned the British rulers who resorted to use of weapons to cause violence.

The sixteen slokas were most liked by Gandhiji. He always held Gita in his hand. He gave lectures in an auditorium in Pune regularly. My father late Pokkuluri Satyanarayana murty who was a professional harmonist played the instrument before Gandhiji and was complimented by him.

How I was acquainted with Gita ….

Till my thirties, I was not interested in devotional matters or spirituality. As in the case of many college students, I too had a notion that Science was great because of its utilitarian value.

Was the Gita foreword for my sake ?

Once I had the occasion to come across a foreword of a Gita book published by Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam in which it was mentioned that Gita contained Physics, chemistry, biology and zoology. That appeared to have been written for me to get in touch with Gita and therebyenable my entry into Spirituality. Some selected Bhagavadgita slokas (109) sung by veteran cine playback singer Ghantasala Venkateswararao during his last days were a great hit and his narration to the verses touched my heart. This is how I started my baby steps in Gita in 1978.

Gita Comes Alive…..

Later I wrote a book by name ‘Gita Comes Alive’ which contained simple poetry for the benefit of English medium students and the language lovers. The book was sponsored by a private star Hotel management and inaugurated by late veteran journalist Padmasri Turlapati Kutumba rao in Rajahmundry a over a decade ago.

Earlier I started a Gita organization three decades ago and I had changed the name as Gita Vision Trust with Registration no. 252 IV/2018.

Gita was a spiritual constitution

Gita was a spiritual constitution and was a royal secret. Because of monarchies those times, only kings had access to Gita. It was out of the reach of the common people.

Gita was implemented as a spiritual constitution in Krita, treta and dwapara yugas.

Various Gitas … but Bhagavadgita is unique

Though there are many Gitas like Anu Gita, Avadhutha Gita, · Bhikshu Gita, · Brahma Gita, · Devi Gita. · Gopika Gita, · Hamsa Gita(or also referred to as Uddhava Gita, Guru Gita Ashtavakra Gita · Brahma Gita . Janaka Gita · Sri Rama Gita , Siva Gita etc

Though Gita is part of Mahabharata, it received the distinction as a separate scripture because of the divine message contained it. . It also enjoys the distinction of being translated into almost all the world languages.

Gita for oath-taking in courts

The accused are generally asked by the courts to take oath on Bhagavadgita in the witness stand which shows its high position.

PM presents Gita books to foreigners

Prime Minister Narendra Modiji who loves Gita most has been presenting Gita books to foreign dignitaries whenever he meets them.

World Yoga Day

The International Day of Yoga has been celebrated annually on 21st June since 2015, afterthe United Nations General Assembly okayed the proposal in 2014. The credit goes to the genuine efforts of Prime Minister Modiji.

Gita in curriculam

In India,Gujarat has introduced Gita by changing the syllabus, Karnataka is also taking cue from it. Uttarakhand Government has introduced Gita along with other Hindu scriptures. Haryana government introduced Gita long before in schools.

Gita which is part of Mahabharata was introduced in the international schools in Saudi Arabia as part of the vision 2030 of the prince Md. Bin Salman which included the cultures of other countries. The geography book incorporates the religions and dharma originated or found in and around India.

We should not forget that the value of our Gita was recognized long back by writers like Sir Edwin Arnold who wrote The Song Celestial and Madam Anne Besant of Theosophical society in India translated the Sanskrit into English and tiled Bhagavadgita as Lord’s Song. There were many more like this.

Yogi puraskars

Gita vision trust is identifying eligible persons from different fields and presenting them with Navayuga Karmayogi, Navayuga Bhaktiyogi and Navayuga Gnanayogi awards to prove that Gita is being followed involuntarily. This annual event is held on Rathasaptami day the birth day of the Sun on Magha suddh Saptami. This programme named as Adi Eswara Gita Jayanti is celebrated by us for the over 10 years and as many as 50 persons were given the awards. This is an exclusive programme originated by the trust

Gita on wheels

The Gita Vision Trust has proposed to conduct ‘Gita Consciousness Chariot Festival’ (Gita Chaitanya Rathotsavam) with two persons in the roles of Krishna and Arjuna on a beautifully decorated chariot.Gita slokas along with the popular commentaries and songs will be displayed audiovisually on the chariot on the day of Gita Jayanti which falls on tlhe tithi of Margasira suddha ekadasi every year according to the traditional calenadar.



Self –evident nature of Gita.

People across the Globe are involuntarily following Gita in varied degrees.


Aadi Gitajayanti (Earliest Gita Jayanti) celebration on Rathasaptami day every year. (celebrating for last 10 years.)

Presentation of Karmayogi, Bhakti Yogi and Jnanayogi awards. Introducing Rajayogi and Dhyanayogi awards to eligible persons from different walks of life.

Training to shape young aspirants in to a suitable yogi.

Digitek Yoga is the most prevalent yoga these days followed by children to old persons alike. (www.digitekyoga.com).

Proving Gita as Pratyaksha Gita. (Visible Gita).


Subhodaya Gita Songs.

Acharana Gita Slokas with my commentary in English, Hindi & Telugu.


To give wider publicity to all the above programmes.